Friday Night and bridge gate is in full effect on MSNBC and Young Turks.
Liked this- especially since Iadarola (the commentator) brought up a point I mentioned earlier here
some good Kos articles and my impression of the Friday MSNBC news shows follows
Much thanks to some really great articles on Kos including
by Ian Reifowitz
and this one that makes the point that New York authorities need to come clean with what they know about the scandal as well here
that one by diarist –chrississippi Great interviews tonight by both Chris Hayes and Maddow of Jersey politicians and NYC metro press, and Maddow's restraint (not jumping to conclusions but letting the evidence speak for itself) shows both her strength as a journalist and her faith that this story has legs
This whole thing should be a lesson to fox news on what an actual political scandal is… 1) Has some abuse of power 2) Real-life consequences to ordinary people 3) strong likelihood that major political figures were involved 4) evidence in the form of some e-mails or written correspondence
Yes, Fox it takes more than a slick name and some half-baked conspiracy to be an actual scandal- so while Benghazi, fast and furious, the great Czar debacle, the IRS scandal, Vacationgate , birth certifigate , and a dozen more Roger Ailes concocted nonsense failed to gain any traction, Fox News’s outrage that actual wrongdoing gets media attention while their failed attempts to smear Obama don’t just underlies the fact that they are no more than a propaganda network, and a poor excuse of one, at that
8:04 PM PT: A quick update- here is a great article from the Guardian on Christie's presidential aspirations
8:07 PM PT: I keep finding good stuff- here is a TPM story that has the recent John Stewart commentary