Media Matters is reporting that Fox "News"(sic) is planning (what they label) a "documentary" on Benghazi(DRINK) based on the upcoming book written by Mitchell Zuckoff "13 hours".
Fox, the media conglomerate that brought us "Alien Autopsy", will release their "documentary" on Benghazi (DRINK) hosted by anchor Bret Baier in September to coincide with the release of Zuckoff's book, perhaps poor timing given the non-event of the recent GOP led congressional investigation, and numerous Government reports showing showing no obstruction or wrongdoing on the part of US officials.
Also given that other media outlets that have promoted the conservative, conspiracy-theory narrative of Benghazi(DRINK) have ended up thoroughly embarrassed and discredited, I got to wonder if this upcoming "documentary" will be Fox's final go-round taking a baseball bat to this metaphorically long-abused horse carcass.
See below the fold for my take on Zuckoff's upcoming book