Shattering Popular CONservative Myths
Progressive media lately is doing a great Job Debunking CON myths 3 examples recently from maddow, olbermann and huffpoRachel Maddow eviscerated Glen Beck for spreading the "snowstorms mean no global...
View ArticlePoll - What is the worst aspect of the Right -Wing Media
The right wing media in the US has gotten me down lately- with their constatant hatred of the president, their spinning racism as legitimate criticism of obama. So I got thinking- what is the the...
View ArticlePossible Palin Reality Shows: POLL what one would YOU watch
Possible Sarah Palin Reality Shows: POLL what Palin Reality show would YOU watch Grannyhelen in a great Diary has reported on Sarah Palin’s newest gambit – a reality show described as " Palin and her...
View ArticleFred Karger- American Hero Fighting for gay marriage equality
Fred Karger is a former GOP political operative who now is helping in the fight to bring equal rights for marriage to all Americans. Fred’s story, detailed in a recent Mother Jones article, is as...
View ArticleNote to Kos - Jokes should be funny
a bunch of witlessly captioned cat pics - not funny. Not even close. whoever did this nonsense should be bannished to posting comments on redstate for two months. More a sad commentary on the life of...
View ArticleD-KOS Growing Pains: Possible Solutions
As a new(er) member of D-Kos, I see some instances of what must be categorized as "growing pains". Every week I read a rec-list diary leveling various complaints at other D-Kos diarists. Mostly these...
View ArticleDamn Jimmy Smits is HOT- and other sexy stories on DKOS (with poll)
Lots of great, sexy, stories today on DKOS, but let’s start with the most important. Jimmy Smits is HOT and his new show Outlaw looks fantastic. From what I can gather from the ads, in "outlaw" Smits...
View ArticleThe Bush Tax cuts CAUSED the economic crisis
While democrats and republicans argue about the stimulus effect and deficit consequences of extending the Bush tax cuts to the uber- wealthy, it’s time progressive re-framed the argument to take a...
View ArticleO'Donnell Admires Sharia Law, Fox Strangely Silent
C. O'DONNELL: I'll tell you, I just came back from the Middle East, and it was refreshing. With all that is going on, it was refreshing not to be constantly bombarded with smut all the time.That was...
View ArticleShould New AP Poll Signal Massive Strategy Shift for Dems?
So the new AP poll shows that 2:1 Americans think the health care law didn’t go far enough (as opposed to too far). The support for GOP healthcare plan (no government interference or minimal) is...
View ArticleTo Click or not to Click?- Rightwing banner ads on Kos
Liberal Sestak voted 100% with Nancy Pelosi the banner ad at the top of DKOS proclaimed. Not exactly the most effective Sestak ad I’ve seen: but hey, voting with Pelosi – that gets my vote. But wait,...
View ArticleAmerican Workers Vs Multi-Billionaires: Protest Music 4 the 21st century
As a lifelong fan of Hip-hop music I remember the first time I heard Public Enemy's "It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back." One of the best Hip-hop albums of all time, Millions literally gave...
View ArticleThoughts on Bridgegate
Friday Night and bridge gate is in full effect on MSNBC and Young Turks. this- especially since Iadarola (the commentator) brought up a point I mentioned earlier here...
View ArticleDrunk Dialing on the internet
Many things on my my mind as I type. The stories we tell and and the stories we believe... we are all mental constructs of what we want to believe. What I want to believe is that the noble path in life...
View ArticleJohn Stewart's False Benghazi Narrative Ultimately More Harmful Than Helpful
John Stewart's recent skit on Fox "news' (sic) outrage on Benghazi, while rightly pointing out Fox's hypocritical false outrage, ultimately does it's viewers a disservice by promoting the false...
View ArticleQuestions for the right about Sgt. Bergdahl
In the right’s pathological attempt to find something, anything, to discredit the president due to the release of Bowe Bergdahl, GOPers have made some wildly inconsistent, nonsensical, and straight up...
View ArticleThe Irony of Nazi Comparisons made by the Right
The Indy Star reported this weekend that Indiana Treasurer and failed GOP senate candidate Richard Mourdock compared the current political state of the country with Nazi Germany, saying“The people of...
View ArticleHow long will it take Dave Brat to say something stupid enough for him to...
We’ve seen this movie before: Extreme Tea party candidate wins the nomination from a more established GOPer incumbent only to lose the general election after saying something so ignorant, stupid, or...
View ArticleNo Justice No Peace Preach Freedom
Preach Freedom is a musician, songwriter, singer, producer and poet. He currently plays drums in the band Rusted Root, in addition to performing his own music in the band Preach Freedom and Connect. I...
View ArticleBenghazi's BACK, Baby
Media Matters is reporting that Fox "News"(sic) is planning (what they label) a "documentary" on Benghazi(DRINK) based on the upcoming book written by Mitchell Zuckoff "13 hours"....
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