We’ve seen this movie before: Extreme Tea party candidate wins the nomination from a more established GOPer incumbent only to lose the general election after saying something so ignorant, stupid, or mean the Democratic base gets energized and the GOPers stay home. So in the spirit of Christine O'Donnell, Richard Mourdock, Sharron Angle, etc. I put together this little poll to let you decide how long till Brat implodes under the weight of some really stupid quote Before you vote in the poll, consider the following. Below the fold
The crazy/ stupid potential for a Brat quote is pretty high. This is a guy who wrote an un- ironic academic paper "An Analysis of the Moral Foundations in Ayn Rand”
he has said that “, to get a seat on the House Ethics Committee, a member would have to pay $150,000.” http://www.politico.com/...
His mix of “ fiscal conservatism and “faith in God.” (from politico) should rank him pretty high on the dumb quote meter. Anytime GOPers conflate morality with being rich, and immorality with being poor they generally seem to be stretching in an attempt to insert their foot in their mouths.
Anti-immigration nuts are always on the verge of slipping in some completely racist comment among their dog-whistle code words
Lastly, before you vote consider this- he may say something really, really stupid and still get elected. He is in a heavily gerrymandered deep red district- so considering all that--lets play