In the right’s pathological attempt to find something, anything, to discredit the president due to the release of Bowe Bergdahl, GOPers have made some wildly inconsistent, nonsensical, and straight up anti-American statements that bring up many more questions than they answer – such as the following….
Since Ronald Reagan supplied Iranian terrorists with advanced missiles for the release of Hostages in Iran, would you have been happier if Obama simply gave the Taliban advanced anti-aircraft weapons instead of releasing prisoners that were going to soon be released anyway?
If you feel that Bergdahl was unworthy of rescue because it is alleged he deserted his post, what other Americans accused of crimes do you feel comfortable turning over to the Taliban?
When the Bush administration paid off Iraqis who murdered American soldiers to stop fighting during Bush’s “Iraqi Surge”- did the Bush administration “negotiate” the amount of those payoffs with the terrorists, or just give the terrorists whatever they asked as long as they promised to stop killing Americans?
More under the fold
If, as GOPers claim, Bergdahl is responsible for the death of 8 Soldiers in Afghanistan who went looking for him, how many deaths of US soldiers looking for WMD’s in Iraq is Bush, Cheney Rice and Rumsfeld responsible for?
If growing a beard, as Bergdahl’s dad did, make him un-American because he resembles the Taliban, shouldn’t we immediately destroy the Lincoln memorial and blast Abe’s visage from Mt Rushmore?
Other than both starting with a B, why exactly is this like Benghazi ( I mean besides the fact that it is a made up scandal)?
If your son or daughter were held hostage by Islamic terrorists, would you want to wait 30 days for their release so members of the opposing political party could OK it?
Probably A lot I am missing- let me know in the comments